First Draft
Inspired by EM Forster’s The Machine Stops, emerging physical theatre company, Open Heart Surgery, brings you into a fast-paced world where two actors play twelve characters. Jostling with the vital questions of our time: is war inevitable? Have we lost all hope for humanity? First Draft, a satirical statement against apathy.
In a protection unit far away from the Earth’s surface, two strangers wonder what earth used to be like, as the fast paced nature of humanity races before our eyes.
Falaki Theatre in Cairo, Egypt November 23, 24, 25 2016
The French Institute in Cairo, Egypt November 28, 29th
Performed by: Shady Khalaf, Ahmed Samy, Salma Maher, Passant Bassem, Noha Elkholy, Ahmed Achrafi
First Draft, Falaki Theater, Cairo, Egypt 2016
Recently played to a sold-out audience at the Camden People’s Theatre
"[First Draft] Flirts with contemporary expressionism…the short bursts of humour break up the tragedy [and] are all the more effective for their unexpectedness" – Views from the Gods
“First Draft, [is] to be applauded for demonstrating the boundless possibilities afforded by physical theatre [ … ] a touchingly melancholy quest for freedom” – Litro, Arts and Culture, Mimetic Festival London, UK
Written by Coleen MacPherson
Directed by Sarah Warren
Performed by Charlotte Baseley and Louise Callaghan
Stage Management by Maria Klockare