Coleen Shirin MacPherson - Writer, Director & Actor

I am a Canadian-born playwright, actor and theatre director. I trained at École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris, where I mentored with French playwright, Michel Azama. I have worked with theatre companies such as: Theatre Smith-Gilmour, Necessary Angel, TheatreRUN and Why Not Theatre, Onelight Theatre, while also being a core member of UK based international touring theatre company, Wet Picnic. My most recent play First Draft was performed at the Camden People’s Theatre (Camden Fringe) and the Mimetic Festival (The Vaults) in London, UK. It then was re-imagined in Cairo with StudioZAT and performed at Falaki Theatre in November 2016. I have toured work in the UK, France, Shangai, Chicago and Toronto. My most recent work is a devised play This is why we Live… inspired by Polish poet Wisława Szymborska will tour to Krakow at Nowy Theater and New York City at La MaMa (Off-Broadway). I have also been teaching playwriting and movement-based theatre creation in Canada, France and the UK for over six years. I'm working on a new play called Erased which had a reading at The Arcola Theatre in London, UK in June 2017 and Surrealist Women, a devised play co-created by myself and Martha Ross.

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